Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The End

--No spoilers for Harry Potter follow. None.--

Oh, man. I've been so busy lately with all I've been doing math...and other grown-up things. I've been, you know, paying bills and taking meetings.

Oh, I can't lie to you, blog. I've been reading Harry Potter. I read most of the seventh and final book over the weekend and then spent an agonizing day at work on Monday while 250 pages of the last of the unread Harry sat at home, all its secrets and revelations practically shaking its binding with the effort of remaining undiscovered--or at least that's how I imagined the book while I tried to concentrate on working.

I was like a hawk--no, the opposite of a hawk--all day. I strove to have the senses and world perspective of a mole. I avoided any internet sites I didn't absolutely have to visit for work, and I didn't even read the news. I needed groceries, but the fear of some loud-mouthed preteen at the store yapping on their cell phone about the ending of the series drove me straight home after work.

The bittersweet moment came, I turned the last of those pages, and now it is done. And I have to say I'm glad. Those damn books made a tool of me, and frankly, I've had it. Upon the release of book six, I sat on one chair in my mom's otherwise empty house, reading for two days. And that's what Harry has done for me: revealed who I am when no one's looking. When there isn't anyone there to cast a look as they pass your completely immobile body at all hours of the day; when there isn't anyone to see the stains on your clothes from food you finally forced yourself to eat, evidence of failed attempts to balance a 700-page book and a plate of macaroni and cheese; when no one is around to watch the shower go unused or to finally ask, "What's that smell coming from that chair?" then, I say, you meet your true self.

So I think that, like people who discovered these books much earlier in their lives, I, too, can say I've grown up with Harry. It took real maturity to turn out the light on Sunday night, set the alarm, go to work Monday.

And now it is time to get on with my life...

...and, I have to admit, most likely find some other series of books for adolescents. But you know, until they label a section at the bookstore "Old Adult Fiction with Whimsy," I'll just have to remain a young adult at heart...and in posture.


Soleil said...

I'm learning the Harry Potter story through movie form, so I've got about 4 years to go before I find out the ending. Think about how difficult it will be for me to keep from inadvertently hearing a spoiler. No groceries or news for all that time is going to suck. Well, maybe I'll give in and just start reading the books; I did just get a library card on Saturday.

Jaybird said...

Dude, read the books. The third movie is the saving grace of that film franchise; otherwise, there is just no comparison.
And thanks for reminding me that my library books are about to be overdue!

Pilcrow said...

Harry Potter. Meh.

Howl's Moving Castle alone is better than the bunch of HP that I did read. ;) You *have* read some Diana Wynne Jones, right? Did K lend you the book? HEH.

I don't remember the third movie at all.

*ducks and runs* *cackles like a witch*

Tejas said...

I am pretty sure their is a "Do not insult HP or LOTR" rule in this blog.

Pilcrow said...

LotR wasn't bad, yeah. Parts were... rambling in a "hike across US and Canada while avoiding bears to look for two ducks" kinda way. Yeeaaaap.

I'll insult Harry Potter! >:O I think I mean that more literally, though. I liked Hermione most out of the threesome, I suppose, because she always seemed more useful. :P I know I'm not the only one who wasn't drawn in primarily by Harry's youth angst, either.

Anyway, yes, maths.... maths... Crap. I need to pay rent.

Jaybird said...

Yes, I declare this a no-bash zone, especially if you haven't read the books or don't remember the movies. :|
Man, I knew posting about Harry Potter would be a way to drum up some business for the blog.
Fight! Fight!

Pilcrow said...

I'll admit, I've only read 1-4 in full along with your handy report.

And detailed Wikipedia spoilers.

...umm. I feel dirty.

Antithesis90 said...

oh, yes, I will remember the Weekend of HP7 well ... no TV, no phone calls, no internet, no shopping ~ nothing that could bring me in contact with anyone who could potentially possibly run the entire experience for me.

I hear the "Dark Materials" series is pretty good ~ I think "The Golden Compass" is coming out soon?

btw: this is mieke ;)

Jaybird said...

Smooth pulling back of the curtain of the internet alias, Mieke. You're awesome.
I did read His Dark Materials, and I can recommend it without hesitation. The movie looks super cool too.
Like, OMG! I also really want to see Stardust, the movie based on the Neil Gaiman story that's coming out on the 10th of August. Maybe I could get my mom to drive me to the mall...